EPA moves to cut woodstove pollution

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What I like about my secondary combustion stoves is that they are so damn simple. When we bought the Hampton H200 I picked from among several we looked at because the firebox parts were so simple, especially compared to the complex cast shapes in some of the others. If they had understood the ideas making an effective secondary combustion stove would have been well within the capabilities of stove makers in the 1800's.
The wood burns a little hotter if you throw in a 235-75-15 bias with it.

Shows what you know‼ :p

Bias-ply tires don't come in the Euro-Metric designation... the closest thing to 235/75R15 in bias-ply would be an L78-15... so there‼ :p:p
Shows what you know‼ :p

Bias-ply tires don't come in the Euro-Metric designation... the closest thing to 235/75R15 in bias-ply would be an L78-15... so there‼ :p:p
Yeah yeah yeah, i know i know... Shheeesh, I guess ya got to watch what ya say. Thanks for correcting me though, I would hate to miss-inform people, I know how people rely on the info they get off of these and other fine websites. After all if its on the web it has to be true.
^^^ ^^^ ^^^
LOL! When I worked at a local bike shop we constantly had people bringing stuff in for repair tellin us they knew exactly what was wrong with it 'cuz they read about this problem on the internet and now you are gonna do this for me half price cuz I told you how to fix it already, blah blah blah. Whadaya doin here then pal?! Take that thing home n plug 'er in to yer internet then! I know, I know, not a great attitude, but after years of training, 10s of thousands in tools, listening to "internet experts" tell you how to do your job all day, well... :buttkick:...customers, can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em! (or leave their axle nuts loose! :D) ANYways, sorry, rant over :confused: :clap:
I'm almost to the point of not caring how much smoke I make or how heavy I bank down the stove while heating my home. I watch the chem trails day in and day out filling the sky with all sorts of chemicals but never ever hear anyhing about it from the EPA....

Yeah yeah yeah, i know i know... Shheeesh, I guess ya got to watch what ya say. Thanks for correcting me though, I would hate to miss-inform people, I know how people rely on the info they get off of these and other fine websites. After all if its on the web it has to be true.
Yep I bought one on those new fangled EPA super duper heat factory wood burning stoves that puts out more heat then any of them old "smoke dragons".
I dunno. My Jotul that's a few years old burns very well. Check the chimney on occasion and clean every other year. I get a little soot from the chimney; clean the ashes off the top of the smoke chamber. When it running properly it looks like it burning propane from the top air-tubes. Pretty blue flames, fun to watch it working burning the gases off. And I burn softwood here in SW CO, pine, pinon, cedar.
On the other hand my older cookstove (Waterford Stanley-pre-1980's) soots up around the oven and have to clean every about every 3rd day for proper cooking and temps. (?Does peat burn different?)
Guessing the engineering out there is available for wood to burn pretty darn good.
Getting older and of course like things a little warmer in the house.
No restrictions around here, really rural, no real codes, and will burn wood as long as I can gather it in. Otherwise with wood prices, propane prices I can heat my house with electric for about the same price.
If need be I can supplement electric with solar. With solar coming down in price and complete Kits available for reasonable price and some DIY it's in the near future.
Sorry DR Chaos - the future looks ahead, not behind.

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