Hey there. I was gonna give you a heads up about an upcoming event happening at the end of this month. It's a two day program put on by the Illinois arborist association in conjuciton with Purdue. It's called the midwest urban tree care forum. It's March 30-31 and registration for an ISA student member is $50 and there's a great line up of things so far. It's near chicago and the hotel rooms for the night are $96 bucks for a single or double. If you're interested in going we could split a room and we could stay one night or two depending on your interest. The hotel which is kind of the base is in Naperville and if we split a double you're looking roughly $48 a night and here's the program so far. Also we usually do some work on the grounds to help supplement the cost of food and such. It'd be a good experience and there's a lot of good speakers and some employers there for a job fair and if you're interested and we have some free time we could even do some climbing. Here's the list of things so far that I know of.
Current program content:
1) Morton Arboretum, Lisle - choice of three tours: 1) Plants of
China, 2) Children's garden, and 3) Ecological parking lot and run-off
water management
2) Bonnema Woods, Naperville - a residential development with strict
tree preservation in the covenant
3) Plant health care, West Chicago - state-of-the-art handling and
safety technology for the products used to control plant pests
4) Brookfield Zoo, Brookfield - tree care issues in conjunction with
wild animals
5) Millennium Park, Chicago - a tree filled park established over a
parking garage and train station
6) Cantigny Park, Wheaton - a public park with trees and formal
gardens; also the site for the service project
7) Job fair Friday night
8) Other sites are under discussion