For small startup companies, using the socketed sawhead is good economy. for regular production work, having a long pole with a fixed head is more efficient. Each socket adds flex to the sysetem, adding effort to the cut. I like a 12 foot basswood pole with a Marvin or Ferguson head. The Corona bull is my favorite lopper head.
Having pole and hand saw blades that are interchangeable is a good economy too, one can get scaled discounts on bulk purchacing. I think the Corona Razor Tooth will fit in standard pole and hand saws. I keep telling the Silky and Wall people at the trade shows that they need to make one of these. The "buy our system" seems more American arogance then Japanese.
An assortment of rigging lines, long light ones and shorter heavy ones for blocking chunks out. An econnoly move may be puying spools of single braid for the light rigging and saving the double braids for the big stuff.
Light pullies are the 8500# CMI and heavy block are the yellow enamaled spring blocks. I've dropped the crews for the cheaper blocks and that sucks.
several lengths of eye sling and loopies so you have one for the big jobs, but dont have to use the monster on the little jobs. I use a lot of the bartacked CMI web slings for pulley anchor and rigging attachment. I splice a few of my own out of tenex too.
Seems to me the chainsaw thing is what you stratred out with is what you like. there is enough of that around here. Just have the right saws for the job, dont want to be bucking and stumping with the 026.
More and more companies are using quadies to reduce labor costs and add a billing element in. A quad and trailer are great for those "cut and carry" jobs where they dont want you dragging brush across their nice grass, and less raking too. Anyone who has done long uphill drags can appreciate them too. I've done a few removals where big sections were hauled out of the DZ/LZ right away to expidite the removal, Just as much raking, maybe a little more turf damage, but less effort for the ground and greater efficiency for the climber.
But most of all, allways have sharp saws and strong ropes ready for the climbers to use.