Ever catch your wood on fire?

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ArboristSite Guru
May 10, 2003
Reaction score
Southwest IA
I wish I had a camera with me but I didn't. Anyway, cutting some downed mulberrys out of a fenceline out at dad's and was working on this one that had been down for a couple of years. The bark had fallen off and the outside 1/2" or so had dryrotted. Went in and got the bucking spikes into the log and when I pulled away after the cut was done we had smoldering log.

We've been pretty dry around here so the dry rot was like powder. The 372 has had a KD type muffler mod with the extra opening in the brace w/ ss screen. Looked to me that the heat of the muffler itself lit it off as much as anything looking at the burn marks on the log.

Just wondering if anyone else has had it happen.

Yup, Caught some dry Locust on fire with my Echo with a front mounted muffler. I guess thats what that screen i took out is for...Bob
something close...

I managed to set some leaves, twigs, etc smoldering one time. Yes the saw has a spark arrestor on it. I set it down idling and was fiddling a tree into a better spot to block up some more. Reached down and noticed that the saw was smoking pretty bad. Say what? It never done that before.
Turned out that I had about a six inch circle going. Looked around and used the handy fire extinguisher that every man comes with.

I have rerely seen a "spark" fly out of a muffler on a properly operating saw, but the temperature could easily exceed 451 F.

Yup. Big ole sappy spruce log. caught a big gob of sap on fire. you shoulda seen the mess on the guys boot who stomped the fire :)
Way back when. Clearing up a fence row for an old guy. Set my almost new Homey 360 down on a rotten stump while I lit off the trash pile. Busy tending the fire when I looked around and couldn't see the saw for all the smoke and flames coming from the stump. Reached in blind to retrieve the saw - no damage. I suspect it was a spark from the fire that started it as the saw had been off for awhile.

Harry K
i did manage to catch a dust pile on fire while milling with my Husky 181 years ago, but i will also note the spark arrestor was removed. when using a saw with no spark arrestor i ALLWAYS keep a large fire extinguisher handy. usually a 10 pounder. without a spark arrestor that is VERY important.

with my failed attempt at a ripping chain, all i was making was a fine dust.. that stuff catches REAL easy! i still have that chain.. should take a picture of that freak thing.. great example of what not to do :)
"Ever catch your wood on fire?"

I'm sure that someone should have jumped in with a witty retort by now.
I've NEVER set my "wood" on fire, I like it not flaming. its better that way.

I'm really serious, I never have had wood catch fire from a saw. if it caught fire, it had a little help from me to get it on fire.