Ever had one of those days?

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Boy I hope you recover. I sawed into a hive one time ( not nearly as bad as you did though) that was enough for me. Now I try not to cut wood until a good frost..
Wanted to give you a guys an update to my bad day, and a warning to go along with it.
When I hit those stinking wasps in that wood, i got hit many times, from what I can figure over twenty stingers stuck in me. The day after I had some redness to my eyes, particularly to my left eye. I thought nothing of it,and sure didnt connect it to any bee stings.
By Thursday my left eye was screaming, red and swollen and very sensitive to light. Spent the night in and out of a hot shower trying anything to make me feel better. I got an appointment with the eye doctor of Saturday.
My wife drove me to the doc on Saturday, he took one look at my eye and had my wife rush me to the emergency room nearby. The specialist was called in, and he confessed to have never seen an eye in such bad shape. My cornea is blown up to twice the normal size, several ulcers on the sides,and I have some severe nerve damage. He asked me if I had gotten sprayed by some chemicals? Nope.
the next question floored me. Ever got hit by a large amount of wasp stings?
I let him know what happened, and he said that I was lucky. Or will be lucky if I make a recovery.
Today I am better, I have regained some blurry vision in my left eye after putting antibiotic drops and steroid drops in my eye every thirty minutes. I stayed up all night on Saturday and Sunday, applying the drops every thirty minutes. I am hoping that I will regain my eyesight.
Guys, be careful out there. i took the macho attitude of its just bee stings and shrugged it off, but the shear amount of poison can do some severe damage if you dont get help. I can see fine out of my right eye, but only time will tell about my left.

I'm gonna remember you in my prayers buddy...sorry to hear about that rough time you're having.
Feel better soon and as always be careful out there. Kinda' wish I was there to give ya a hand...I'm not not much for takin' breaks once I get goin'.

Take care.:lifter:
avalancher, man that is not good at all! I'll be praying for a full recovery of your eye. Thanks for the warning, I hope I can remember about stinging insects the next time I go cutting. Take care man!
