Exhaust Mod

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ArboristSite Operative
Apr 9, 2002
Reaction score
Northern Illinois
If I modified the muffler/ exhaust by opening it up on a few of my saws, am I shortening the life of engine? On a new saw should I wait until its broken in? - Eric
After what I have read here, and what I have seen with my own eyes, I believe that opening up the muffler (properly done) can extend the life of the saw by allowing the saw to run cooler.

I have done a couple mufflers, including a newer 046Magnum. I had the benefit of having two 046Magnums, one was older and had NO baffles in the muffler from the factory. The newer one had a baffle inside and a much smaller outlet hole. The newer one never was as strong as the older one, didn't feel like the same saw. After opening it up, it now cuts as strong (or maybe stronger) than the older 046.

The only reason newer saws have more restrictive mufflers is EPA regulations. The EPA couldn't care less how long our saws last, only how noisy they are and how dirty the exhaust is. The newer restrictive mufflers act kind of like a catalytic converter, heating up enough to burn unspent fuel inside the muffler before it blows out into the air. This additional heat can harm your saw, causing premature failure of moving parts, rubber seals and lines, electrical parts, etc.

I am convinced that there is NO downside to opening up the muffler. I will remove and modify every muffler on every saw I buy from now on, probably before ever cranking it up.
Got to agree with treeclimber165. I opened up the muffler on my Husky 372 and it made quite a bit of difference. A little noiser though....but I kinda like the "new" sound.:D

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