Falling pics 11/25/09

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If you need a faster saw just PM me!:jester:

I guess it's just you and me Bob, if'n u'r looking for pro logging discussion you're SOL. I know a whole bunch about high fashion and French cuisine if you would like to talk about that:msp_biggrin:

This was high stumped because it sat in the corner of a historic rock wall on an old mining site. I couldn't get in behind it, no escape path if it went wrong, so I just got lazy and 3 cut it. Notice how it hangs just a little before it starts over? That's how barber chairs happen. I should have chased the hinge just a little more but the best method would have been to use a Coos Bay or maybe bore it. It had quite a lean to it.
If you need a faster saw just PM me!:jester:

I guess it's just you and me Bob, if'n u'r looking for pro logging discussion you're SOL. I know a whole bunch about high fashion and French cuisine if you would like to talk about that:msp_biggrin:

If the site stays up people will come back. That "other site" is mostly for the whiners and crybabies that didn't like it here. It has a lot of flash but no real substance. Unfortunately the whiners and crybabies will probably come back too.

And...as far as high fashion and French cuisine goes? I make sure both my socks are right side out and the log marking paint stains on my shirt don't clash with my suspenders...that's about as far as I go. I do make it a point to change my shirt about every three days or when the oil stains on the front catch fire from my cigarette ashes, whichever comes first. Slowp is the fashion consultant here and I wouldn't even try to take that job.
French cuisine...I ate at Galatoires in New Orleans a couple of times when somebody else was paying.
I haven't jumped ship! I am, however, home with a buggered back again today -- which really hinders any kind of jumping at all.

Sent from my SCH-S738C using Beaver Pelts
LOL...I wasn't talking about you when I mentioned "whiners and crybabies". Most of the guys don't fit that category.
I think it's good, really, that there's a place for guys to go who don't really contribute anything to the forum other than juvenile behavior. Hey, every kid needs a playground.

Take care of that back. I waited too long to get mine taken care of the first time and I wound up getting surgery for it. I'm looking at another hip replacement and maybe more back surgery on top of that later this winter. Just normal wear and tear...for a logger anyway.
LOL...I wasn't talking about you when I mentioned "whiners and crybabies". Most of the guys don't fit that category.
I think it's good, really, that there's a place for guys to go who don't really contribute anything to the forum other than juvenile behavior. Hey, every kid needs a playground.

Take care of that back. I waited too long to get mine taken care of the first time and I wound up getting surgery for it. I'm looking at another hip replacement and maybe more back surgery on top of that later this winter. Just normal wear and tear...for a logger anyway.

I know you weren't referring to me. . . I was just waving my hand in the air to be counted for attendance. :D

Yeah, I definitely don't want any kind of surgery. That crap is expensive!!

Sent from my SCH-S738C using Energized Electrons
They even use the term, Lumberjacks there! I didn't see :msp_biggrin:Farmer Loggers used.

Maybe I should join and start a thread called, Any Farmer Loggers Here? I'd have to have a different Nom De Plume--did I spell that right? I took Spanish in high school, there was no french. I have gotten my French off of Canadian food labels.

Just killing some time before leaving with The Used Dog to go see the vet.

Hope everybody is well or getting weller.
If the site stays up people will come back. That "other site" is mostly for the whiners and crybabies that didn't like it here.
The first part of your statement is almost certainly true. The second part may have been partly true prior to the hack, but is no longer valid. Most of us on the "falling pics" and "not-so-pro" threads are somewhat addicted to hanging out and BSing, and found a convenient and familiar feeling place to do just that. It might even be said we non-hostile-ly "took over" our own little corner of the other site. We would like you and Slowp to come hang out until AS is fixed. Most folks are there, even some dude with a name which rhymes with CandyPack. Respectfully,
it's kind of a laid back atmosphere there ,not much whining and such going on that iv'e noticed ,lot of profesional people there ,and many respected members from here are starting to discuss stuff there

This was high stumped because it sat in the corner of a historic rock wall on an old mining site. I couldn't get in behind it, no escape path if it went wrong, so I just got lazy and 3 cut it. Notice how it hangs just a little before it starts over? That's how barber chairs happen. I should have chased the hinge just a little more but the best method would have been to use a Coos Bay or maybe bore it. It had quite a lean to it.

Overall I thought your technique looked fairly sound. You wouldn't last long in production falling with your thumb up like that. You're falling a tree, not hitching a ride. :bowdown::bowdown::bowdown::bowdown::jester:
If the site stays up people will come back. That "other site" is mostly for the whiners and crybabies that didn't like it here.
The first part of your statement is almost certainly true. The second part may have been partly true prior to the hack, but is no longer valid. Most of us on the "falling pics" and "not-so-pro" threads are somewhat addicted to hanging out and BSing, and found a convenient and familiar feeling place to do just that. It might even be said we non-hostile-ly "took over" our own little corner of the other site. We would like you and Slowp to come hang out until AS is fixed. Most folks are there, even some dude with a name which rhymes with CandyPack. Respectfully,

First of all I didn't mention anyone specifically. Those two threads have good people in them and I never had any problem with any of the regulars there.

Just like you guys, I'll decide for myself where I go and if I go there at all. My choice entirely.

So...are we clear on all this now? You guys are fine. But hey...if the shoe fits by all means put that ####er on!
Overall I thought your technique looked fairly sound. You wouldn't last long in production falling with your thumb up like that. You're falling a tree, not hitching a ride. :bowdown::bowdown::bowdown::bowdown::jester:

Thanks for the critique. I'll certainly give it the attention it deserves. If my thumbs hadn't been broken, both of them more than once, and weren't arthritic I could probably bend them better. You learn to play the cards you're dealt.
Thanks for the critique. I'll certainly give it the attention it deserves. If my thumbs hadn't been broken, both of them more than once, and weren't arthritic I could probably bend them better. You learn to play the cards you're dealt.

Don't let him bully you about your thumbs Bob!! I do the same thing. . . And pick my nose with two fingers at once.

Good luck getting that image out of ther brain! :-D

Sent from my SCH-S738C using my Nose Pick'n Fingers

This was high stumped because it sat in the corner of a historic rock wall on an old mining site. I couldn't get in behind it, no escape path if it went wrong, so I just got lazy and 3 cut it. Notice how it hangs just a little before it starts over? That's how barber chairs happen. I should have chased the hinge just a little more but the best method would have been to use a Coos Bay or maybe bore it. It had quite a lean to it.

I just watched the vid and a few other falling vids ya had there. very nice falling and hazard trees a little pull is fine. thanks for sharing Bob. oh, my 660 don't sound like that. but maybe it will when it gets back here this week! :msp_wink:
Meh, it wasn't anything special. I was chasing the hinge on a leaner that I should have Coos Bay'd or bored. Never did catch it and it shows when the fibre pull starts. Kind of an object lesson in what not to do. I'll see if I can find it.

Put some bite in that chain Bob! That's not big timber like your used to. Those shrubs go quick! Haha I dont know what im talking about, but I just watched a program about the dangers of high school football. It brought back memories of what was so far the best part of my time. Now im all jacked up. Wish I felt this way at 4:00 every morning.
On a side note, hit them as hard as you can, every time, all the time. Cock and rock baby! Break some ####in helmets men! Aaaaaarg!!
Okay now I gotta try and sleep.......
I just watched the vid and a few other falling vids ya had there. very nice falling and hazard trees a little pull is fine. thanks for sharing Bob. oh, my 660 don't sound like that. but maybe it will when it gets back here this week! :msp_wink:

LOL...my wife likes to come out and take pictures sometimes. I asked her one day why she only took pictures when things didn't go like I planned. I didn't like her answer.

The 660 has a triple port muffler...part of the TreeSlingr' magic.