If the site stays up people will come back. That "other site" is mostly for the whiners and crybabies that didn't like it here.
The first part of your statement is almost certainly true. The second part may have been partly true prior to the hack, but is no longer valid. Most of us on the "falling pics" and "not-so-pro" threads are somewhat addicted to hanging out and BSing, and found a convenient and familiar feeling place to do just that. It might even be said we non-hostile-ly "took over" our own little corner of the other site. We would like you and Slowp to come hang out until AS is fixed. Most folks are there, even some dude with a name which rhymes with CandyPack. Respectfully,
First of all I didn't mention anyone specifically. Those two threads have good people in them and I never had any problem with any of the regulars there.
Just like you guys, I'll decide for myself where I go and if I go there at all. My choice entirely.
So...are we clear on all this now? You guys are fine. But hey...if the shoe fits by all means put that ####er on!