Falling pics 11/25/09

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I posted this last night so I'll give this another shot.

A few pages back this thread was full of subarus. That along with a bunch of harry homeowner,"hows my stump look?" pics and a few arborist style pics this thread has really veered here and there from the badass falling pics thread that Burvol originally intended. I do think its kind of cool to learn about how other guys are putting their wood down and in my state the processor guys are of no threat to me. I'm chasin sawlogs and they are chasing pulp. I don't think that's going to change here. In the southern part of the state where I live its pretty much hand cut big timber. Up north you'd be hard pressed to stay competitive hand cutting pulp. I think you'd be hard pressed to survive really. That being said when I walk into an SFI cert meeting I can immediately tell the few hand fallers from the guys who sit in machines all day. Hand fallers are becoming the minority and that's really not all that bad for those of us who want to keep doing it. There is no lack of logging work here. The sawmills are starving for logs and they are running out of guys to cut em. If anything I'd kinda like to know what the pulp guys are up to to kind of keep an eye on em. Really we just need some new guys to step up and post some timber falling pics in this thread. Either that or the old guys need to dig up some more pics. I could go on a picture posting rant, but lately I don't have the time and my bs pics can get kinda boring.

Well not quite as eloquent as last night, but the meat is there with some additions.
how did ya like that cannon? and where can I find a multi rivet tip cannon?
Its heavy, but the damn thing never wears. This one is the Stihl mount big tip. My saw shop said he gave it to me at cost for $225. The single rivet tipped bars go for about $150. I can't believe there is that much of difference in price over a tip, but I don't know. You could probably call Madsens and see what they could do for you. I have not tried to contact Cannon myself so I am not sure if individuals can even buy single bars. For some reason I'm guessing no though. My shop got set up as a dealer when I went through a couple of their Oregon bars that I was not happy with.
No new pictures from me, I should be finishing up this job off with some big(ish) pines this week see if I can get some pictures of those. I've been either cutting pulp or been snowed out these last few weeks. , Some saw logs in there, nothin worth dragging a camera out for though. The mill is going to close soon so were gettin our asses back in gear

one of my favorites from last winter big ol school marm

and one from my current job a few weeks ago I liked how this tree was kinked it fit right in

happy sawdust making!
nice stumps bitzer, those are some pretty ash in that second post, they dont grow them that fat around here!
Thank you sir! That one with the orange wedges on it is a basswood. Those really low stumps are from my first fall and winter of production logging. I just don't have the time or patience (or money) to do that anymore. A lot of guys around here still do though. I wish I had the pine to cut like you do. Those big white pine always look like fun to me!
I agree bitz, I don't cut stumps low as I used to either. a lot of times I wound up butting off a punky spot any how so why cut it twice....
That's exactly my thought. The wood just above the swell cuts faster too. When I quit cutting like that I was bagging another 1000 to 2000 bf per day. Its not hard to do the numbers there. Its just the hardwood cutting mindset of super low stumps that is tough to get around. I still get crap from some people about it.
I still get crap from dad about high stumps lol, thing is selling tree length our grade has come up with out me butting um off. and yea that burly wood in the low stump is hard....even poplar.
plankton, yea I just take less chances the older I get. I still do it once in a while tho lol.
I wish I had timber to springboard into always looked like a fun challange.

I have never cut for a forwarder, around here all the forwarders are on machine cut sites as far as I can tell and all the hand falling is cable skidded. I only know of one outfit that has a grapple skidder but there mechanized too. Cutting for a cable skidder right now and for the foreseeable future.
IP if I don't like it I won't like it. besides I assume its good for the site, I hate to see it ever go away. there is people here I don't see any where else.
edit; there have been times I couldn't cuz the site was wonky.....you ain't never said nuthin dumb lol.

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