So wait a minute. Are you saying that's not supposed to happen?!
Is that a trick question? That's like some of the questions my wife asks me...there isn't any good answer.
I wish I had all the money I've spent over the years on bars that paid the price for my mistakes.
And, to make the Back East guys feel better, I've wrecked more bars on oak and madrone trees...the only hardwood I've fallen to any extent... than anything else. Those multi-stemmed monsters...every time you walk around them trying to size them up they look different as far as where the weight is. We usually cut them when we're opening up a road or clearing a new landing so lead doesn't matter much. Good thing, too. When one sits down on your bar and you have to call the Cat or a skidder over to give it a nudge you always get the "look" from whoever is running the machine. If you've worked in the woods you know the "look" says "uh huh, mighty Faller God screwed up again...gotta get the dummie on the big yellow machine to get him out of trouble". Tends to humble you a bit.
If there's no big yellow machine available you get to hike back to the truck, dig out your spare bar and chain, and a few extra wedges, hike back, and try not to screw things up worse than you already have. Your partner has by then figured out what happened and he might have a couple of comments, none of which will be complimentary..things like "been doing this long?" or "most guys would have started the face on the side they want the tree to fall"...clever little statements like that. might be his turn next.