Falling pics 11/25/09

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I think I may have beaten this ******. . . Can't be too optimistic yet though. Always wary.

North- you could be a logger that does machining on the side. Just make sure you get paid for what you're doing. Anything that could crush something valuable to someone else you should be gettin an extra kick for even if its a little. Cutting around buildings is a bonus to them, not to you and your pay should reflect that. If they want arb work done they can pay an arb to do it. They will pay you a little extra when you put it that way, every time. Otherwise I'd walk. Theres lots of timber out there free of houses and such.
Yup, Usually why I get the jobs I do is I'm not afraid of close quarters, bid em high for the ones that worry me more. Takes a little more time to make em safe but that's OK.

Only problem with this close work is they usually want full cleanup, and then they don't want to pay for full cleanup... As if the price of one or two loads will cover the 4-5 days of cleanup...

Its a nice change every now and a again to find some piece away from buildings where I can just dump em and go.
As far as machining on the side... There's been some talk of me going on weekends, 3 days a week 12 hr days... would give me 4 days a week in the woods, but I'd still be working with a bunch of prima dona's that assume they know everything... and want to make sure that your inferior in every way, even if it takes back stabbing or sabotage.

Not to mention machining has gotten boring over the last few years, seen and done it all, just numbers now, crunch the math, hit the green button walk away.

Try that with logging and yer bound to get killed.
Isn't that a job requirement? Kinda like having a size 18 neck and a size 3 hat?
Northman had an 18" neck in the sixth grade

but I'd still be working with a bunch of prima dona's that assume they know everything...

Nothing wrong with being a know-it-all Prima Donna. Or is there? Maybe I should look into that
Northman had an 18" neck in the sixth grade

Nothing wrong with being a know-it-all Prima Donna. Or is there? Maybe I should look into that

Its 20" now... under the beard and through the hair... the skull is quite thick so I take a size 8 hat...
I see. Cleaning up the landing sites... Up here it's ruled by the law, that the timber must be hauled out of the woods before the beetle copulating period.
One thing we have done on a steep hillside for slash is leave a high cut stumps along the bottom to keep it from rolling down the hill, say about 5-6ft high.
On the sparser vegetated eastside, we used to do what was called Jackpot Burning. We'd wander about in a recently logged unit and light the concentrations of limbs on fire, and the landing piles. That was done for fuels reduction after logging and paid for by money from the timber sale.
View attachment 377054 a bout an acre of wood on this pile. pulp prices must have been down to the point of not hauling it out. went back this year and it was burnt . must have been a bigun. lotts of descent logs in that pile.
A firewooders dream pile right there!

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