Falling wedges. What's good, what's not, and why?

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I see my hate mongering heckler showed his head again guess he has low self esteem issues :laugh:

I see more people attacking me for no reason. I not a poser like my hater group :dizzy:

All this "hating" you speak of is self inflicted. I have explained this to you numerous times. Which, by no suprise, you choose to ignore. You either have 9 different people inside your head... or you are the ultimate internet froum troll. A lot of people are growing very weary of the BS that comes with your presence in almost every thread you post in or start.

...I might add... I'm being nice here.

HBRN... I wouldn't even think of poking 2dogs, or any one else here...

You have NO credentials, NO honest experience, NO pictures... and there is much more that you have refused to put up and show, which helps to back your ass up and you may have gained some trust and worthiness here. But you haven't.

So... you are really a troll... we (more of Gary...) are being nice... and have given you chances...

Like I said before, I've never dropped a tree, but I know a slopping backcut ain't a good idea...

Push us too hard and I reckon your fall will hurt... a lot.

Quit posing, show us what you do, and grow up.

This attempt to reach the person's (HBRN's) feeble brain probably will backfire and continued feeble attempts at posing may be made... or worse, he'll start sobbing all over the damn forums...

Personal experience... I have poked some of these guys before, and realized it's a stupid idea. Don't poke bears, sharks, raccoons, rabid chipmunks, insane rabbits, and critters like that. Trust me.
2dogs is what you pretend to be. Back off.

He is in a pretend world i believe.....i just love comming home after a hard monday of REAL LIFE LOGGING and hearing all this HBRN BS...really just makes my F****n day....NOT
This message is hidden because HILLBILLYREDNEC is on your ignore list.

I think I'm going to turn that on now...

He neg repped me, lol. What an ass.

He won't have any respect from me until he proves he is who he says he is.

Failure to provide proof time and time again... he is a troll that is what it is.
The bummer thing, from a moderation perspective, is that he's not *technically* breaking any rules by being a pest and a *******. He's not threatening anybody, he occasionally posts something that would be valid if it weren't copy-pasted from somewhere else, and has asked the occasional valid question. It's not fair to lay down the ban-hammer on somebody who is merely annoying. I've sent him a PM or two to the effect of "come on, man, shape up, these folks aren't idiots" but it seems to fall on deaf ears. I guess all we can do is wait for him to actually violate a rule of some consequence because so far he's annoying but harmless.
HBRN let me make this clear, I don't hate you. I bet you are a nice guy and it might be fun to sit and chat over a beer. You minister to shut-ins and volunteer with your saw. That is great and you are to be commended for that. However, you NEVER shut up. You have an opinion on every subject posted here. You have claimed (at times) to be a pro faller, a firewood cutter, a disabled man unable to saw for very long, to have a broken neck, to have been on a HIGH SCHOOL saw crew, to be a hazard tree faller, to be a timber preserve(?) manager, an unemployed red neck (your words from your profile), and probably a few more personas I have forgotten about.

If you want to be accepted here on AS don't try to force your opinion on everyone. You will NEVER sell your farmer backcut as a valid technique. It is a red flag to any professional. Stop telling everyone they should use a 6" wedge for every falling situation. Yes I do remember your prompt and polite responce to my question regarding longer wedges but that has been replaced by your recent insistance on using a tiny wedge. Post here the names of the companies you have worked for. How can you trusted when you refuse to list your employers? How can you consider yourself a professional faller when you never tell us about the jobs you have worked on? Were you the only faller working? And tell us your name. Most of us here on F&L, while we may not truly know each other, know each others names. We don't hide who we are.

And HBRN...when you are asked a direct question, answer it. Don't beat around the bush or ignore the question. Answer it.

I think you can become a respected member here on AS but that is up to you. If you don't change your ways you will continue to be disrespected. Please reconsider your past posts with an open mind. I truly hope the best for you.
Say you are felling timber that is no bigger than 24" across the stump. What kind of wedge do you use? Seems to me that trees like that, the wedge hits the bar/chain before it ever has much effect on the tree. Just shorter wedges?

No BS answers please :)
Say you are felling timber that is no bigger than 24" across the stump. What kind of wedge do you use? Seems to me that trees like that, the wedge hits the bar/chain before it ever has much effect on the tree. Just shorter wedges?

No BS answers please :)

Ya fall it to the head lean. . . Duh! :D
So press agaisnt the trunk with my skull bucket? (head lean)

Say you are felling timber that is no bigger than 24" across the stump. What kind of wedge do you use? Seems to me that trees like that, the wedge hits the bar/chain before it ever has much effect on the tree. Just shorter wedges?

No BS answers please :)

The answer to the question is not so simple. You need to consider species,limb weighting, condition of wood- dead-green- semi green-rotten-fire damaged-frozen, lean. For most trees with sound wood a 6" wedge to start before pulling the saw and using a brace of 8" wedges placed right will push the tree in the desired direction.
The answer to the question is not so simple. You need to consider species,limb weighting, condition of wood- dead-green- semi green-rotten-fire damaged-frozen, lean. For most trees with sound wood a 6" wedge to start before pulling the saw and using a brace of 8" wedges placed right will push the tree in the desired direction.

NOPE! WRONG AGAIN! For most trees with sound wood a wedge placed in the backcut is a good idea in case the wind shifts or you read the tree wrong and just because it is good practice. Pulling the saw and hammering on wedges means you are a farmer cutter. The tree should commit to the face WITHOUT pounding. Learning to make a proper gunning cut and angled cut will solve most problems before they start and following those with correct backcut will cause most every tree to fall to the lay without wedging.

If you cut like a farmer and can't make proper cuts then you will need to pull your saw out of every backcut and force the tree over. The rest of us like to use skill.
Well Im just a simple farmer then :) Nah, I dont get to do much felling. Most of what we do is cabled off or use the skidsteer as the wedge :D
Id love to learn to fall from a pro though. Been giving a Forestry career a thought.

Thanks 2dawgs :)
Well Im just a simple farmer then :) Nah, I dont get to do much felling. Most of what we do is cabled off or use the skidsteer as the wedge :D
Id love to learn to fall from a pro though. Been giving a Forestry career a thought.

Thanks 2dawgs :)

There are times when pulling a tree over is the best way. My responce was to HBRN's as usual bad advice regarding his wedge technique.

Forestry is a great career! (I'm not a forester.) Do your best!

Edited for clarity. I hope.
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2Dogs you have my respect. You have been far to kind. Since you know who made it to my ignore list early in the game. I do not suffer fools. At my age I've seen and heard far too many. Don't forget to add "white finger' to his list of credits.
Well Im just a simple farmer then :) Nah, I dont get to do much felling. Most of what we do is cabled off or use the skidsteer as the wedge :D
Id love to learn to fall from a pro though. Been giving a Forestry career a thought.

Thanks 2dawgs :)

2dogs is right, theres a lot trees that i could just cut & dump but alot are in residential spots that i'll bull rope them just incase of the potential brain fart.
Oh how I love the F&L Forum. I feel like I am being a troll at times because I just click on the threads and read the Pro's stories and hopefully (on occasion I am lucky enough) look at the pictures.

I would just like to take a second to thank those of you "real loggers" -and Foresters- that continue to post even with the nonsense responses by some (particularly one) member(s).

I am not in any capacity a professional timber faller - maybe in another life. So for me it is enjoyable to live somewhat vicariously through those of you that go out and beat the brush while putting your neck, back and every other part of your body on the line daily. Working at a sawmill, as i do, your guys' work doesn't go unnoticed. It keeps us up and running, doing the easy part of lumber/timber manufacturing.

But for god's sake KEEP POSTING PICTURES!! :msp_thumbup:

Again, you guys are much appreciated. :clap:

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