Feel Lucky
biggest asset was a weak mind and a strong back, now it
is my biggest deficit buying things to ease the load put on it.
is my biggest deficit buying things to ease the load put on it.
Do you really put that much weight on that stuff? The web strap loop runners rated at 1200 lbs or so? Even a bigger strap with just a beener doesn't sound good for 2 ton of eager energy. Maybe to tie off but maybe not to let a rope run through it.
am waiting on a line tamer from sherrill to come in before i start using it. im not down with stuff 150ft of throwline in a bag 6 inches at a time lol
yes, I do. I have loop runners rated at 6,500lbs. and my caribiners are rated at 6,200.
it has-ta be tensile.if the max is 5000 id say safe working load would be 500. the hollow braid makes a much better loop than the nylon slings and are also adjustable. the slings are too long or too short and also much weaker than the tenex or other similar hollow braid.Is that a tensile rating or SWL?
if your doing anything big ya better use a pulley on that krab. we have snapped the core on 16strand 1/2in and welded the cover too the bollardyes, I do. I have loop runners rated at 6,500lbs. and my caribiners are rated at 6,200. 4,000lbs or below. all the the time. What is eager energy? You mean shock loading? By keeping the timber hitch close to the biner little shock loading happens. Belaying limbs with a redirect by use of a loop runner and biner is fairly safe when the biner is serving as a secondary crotch.
sorry for the confusion. thats only from the ground lol. i use a double or single jameson in the tree sometimes though.
ive had mine about 3 weeks and still havent used it :censored:
am waiting on a line tamer from sherrill to come in before i start using it. im not down with stuff 150ft of throwline in a bag 6 inches at a time lol
biggest asset was a weak mind and a strong back, now it
is my biggest deficit buying things to ease the load put on it.
Let me know how that piece of crap fishing line spooler works OK?
yes, I do. I have loop runners rated at 6,500lbs. and my caribiners are rated at 6,200. 4,000lbs or below. all the the time. What is eager energy? You mean shock loading? By keeping the timber hitch close to the biner little shock loading happens. Belaying limbs with a redirect by use of a loop runner and biner is fairly safe when the biner is serving as a secondary crotch.
Let me know how that piece of crap fishing line spooler works OK?
I want my $25 back.
im hoping it will work well. ill try some diff type lines if not....
this isnt what i wanted to hear lol. why dont you likem treebot?
Maybe I have the wrong kind of line (yellow stuff and red stuff) but I never got it to work at all, still stuffin.