Tree Freak
Dam! Glad you are fine. I know people who have stopped climbing after that.
Back when I was still jumping out of plains, everyone was just REALLY getting in to high speed canopies and in turn low fast hook turns were the big rage. Though they were the bomb for fun they were very dangerous (results being burning in to the ground at 80-90 mph) .
VT is the Hook turn of treeclimbing, everyone loves it cause its slick and the latest and greatest. I lost 3 good friends to low hook turns. Someone dying while under a perfectly good canopy just for a little extra fun is really stupid.
I know you guys that climb every day, all day easier climbing and time saving is key to production but getting hurt while climbing on a questionable, temperamental friction hitch when there are so many safer options is almost as senseless as the hook turn is. Be careful folks.
MD... I am really glad I didnt lose one to the VT.
I think the VT is taking an undeserved beating in this thread. Almost any climbing hitch that is not tightened every now and then on a long ascent is likely to fail to grab if suddenly loaded.
Nothing I'm hearing is steering me away from the VT thus far.
Glad you made out OK MD!
Thanks for the post and your courage for sharing for others. Could VT users enlighten me about VT hitches eg whats the advantages over others eg Prusik or Tautline.
I,m very old school circa 1981 never strayed far from a 4 loop prusik so a little fear full of new ideas but very happy to see innovation. hitch-work in progress.htm
I don't plan on giving up on it. Just going to pay more attention tending it from now on. My prussic cord and climbing line are getting old and worn out. I'm buying new of both this upcoming week. Like John said, Maybe the characteristics are just changing with wear.
Really, it is the most responsive, high preformance knot I have used. Like I said, I love climbing on it.
I'm not advising not to use it, just be careful with it is all.
I started out on a 4 loop prussic and climbed on it for years. When I got a little heavier I had to go with a 5 loop prussic. Works very well.
The advantage with the VT in my opinion is the braids below the coils. This allows the hitch to be so much more responsive. It runs well when you need it to and has always bitten really well for me until today. if you do a lot of limb walking and getting out there in no man's land it really runs smooth. Sure, if you are still hanging on to everything you can get your hands on for security and want the security of a hitch that is going to be very solid but harder to work up and down then the blakes hitch is for you. If you are advanced to the point that you just walk right out on the limbs then the VT makes it much easier and smoother to do so.
I retie mine every time i go up a tree, the hitch is too finicky to just leave on the rope. The characteristics will change with ware.
The i2i blakes (Michoacán) grabs better (imo), takes up less space, and has less play than the vt. If you're gonna change it up, give it a try.