Basically like this:
Of course the biner you see on the small half of the 8 needs to be positive locking and clip it to your bridge or to your D rings. The text book will tell you to back it up with a prussic.
To be honest with you, I have quit carrying mine since I went to a split tail and eye to eye. On a double line you can eliminate the figure 8 altogether. I used to carry one with me when I still climbed old school in case I encountered bees or had some other reason I needed to descend quickly. I would also use it if I was just setting a line in a tree or something like that. If you are still climbing old school it is a good piece of kit to carry along with you for safety sake. However, if you are climbing on a double line with an eye to eye then you can eliminate the figure 8 from the equation. To use it text book you are supposed to back it up with a prussic and there is no need to even use one Ddrt with a prussic.