Tree Freak
as most of you all know I have been laid up for the last 2 months because of the shoulder surgery,,,, trust me,, it has been miserable,,, took 2 weeks for the pain to go away then I had to deal with the pain meds messing up my chrones which I am still not over,,, I have lost about 20 pds because I couldn't hardly eat from the cramping and pain in my gut,,,, so today I felt decent and the weather was good so I got out the 372 to drop 5 trees that either are problem trees or soon will be,, they are on our land,,, yes doc said I could as long as I run the saw left handed which was tough since I am right handed,,,, the biggest tree is elm and the others are cherry,,, should have about 2 cords when I am done splitting,,, used the ole dodge 4 wheel drive to pull them out of the woods,,, I was very impressed the way it pulled them out,,, any who,,, heres a few pics