tree md
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How bout gettin a forth grad level of egucashun... short of that, a spel cheker wood work.
its a pain but wit a nice yard u need wood truck is to heavey even when thairs no rain for a week or to still dent the dirt try a pitch fork stick it right wair the dent starts push it down in dirt and u can sometimes fluff it up on crap lawns anyway but wood is the way to go
i was just looking for a little help yo yo yes ive been called crazy befor and nobody loves tree work more then me
I am from Jersey ,what part are you from NJ Kid?
I am from Jersey ,what part are you from NJ Kid?
i ran a ground crew for 9 years and got layed of went to at another place wair no body spoke anything but mexcan.i made my first boss rich he made 2500 to 3000 a day i got a 175 a day and ran the crew he went wit mexican to in nj that what most people do .its my time i got my chipper my big saws got my work shame i have 75 lawns i do for cash got me a bucket truck for landscaping and ill get i fixed wit the cash men like me iam self made 33 its my time .and a blakes knot some name hope u for get to tie the stoper knot and u fall like the turd u r
yep gess ill have to save up and get lift tank on her fixed can u repack them boom tanks or lift tanks what ever thay are called??i was told most bucket trucks have locking pins so u wont drop like a stone turd??its a 1987 ford asp.bucket 55ft boom wit a dump??i cant just clime i have the gear but never ben trained i cant find out anything about dam thing .one person sed ya thay all leak one person sead ya thay have locking pins ill be back to work in two months gess ill try to save i wounder around how much it would be??i landscape so money is not grate thats y i got the bucket it runs so good its gas v8 gess she needs a little tlc.thanks for the help and for readin thanks.....and for tires try a scrap yard most buy them for the steal and take the tires off my tire man wanted 350 a peace used 200 the scrap yd 50 bucks and had about 30 of them i wonder can thay be diff.sizes or all the same??
gotta call bull s##t here.. There is no way possible anyone with this lack of spelling, grammar, or just the lack of basic tree care knowledge could have posted this...
Somethings amiss,
Is it you FTA?..
I think BS too but on the other hand it is possible to be that illiterate.Imagine this crap on the estimates!!!
Actually, I think it's one of our regulars here just having us on... :biggrin:
Actually, I think it's one of our regulars here just having us on... :biggrin:
Looks like we gotta situation hereeee!
I am damned ashamed that i recognize that picture!:hmm3grin2orange:
looks like a doucebag!
I would start by thanking the good lord you aren't dead yet and finish by selling the truck and hanging your head in shame. It's truly pitiful that men of your caliber simply assume they can walk right into our realm with a 25 year old bucket truck and steal our work.