Tree Freak
How did the forests ever survive without us?
The problem from my perspective is building homes in the wildland, that is the greater problem. We do need to manage our forests but to what extent. How much money should we be spending for example to save somebody's house? Should we spend a million dollars to save a $200k house that never should have been built in the first place? Should each home owner be required to pay say 1% of the replacement cost each year in insurance? Should each home be required to pay a fire protection fee in addition to property taxes that will be collected by the state and federal governments?
Exactly. In addition to fire issues, I'll add flood and landslide issues. The Oso Landslide here in 2014 is a perfect example; state and county agencies had been aware of the hazard posed by the unstable slope for decades yet the county played dumb when the tragedy occurred. County governments seldom say "no" to risky construction because they just can't pass up that sweet, sweet tax revenue. Then the state and federal agencies pick up the bill to clean up the mess when something goes wrong. What we have here, really, is a dysfunctional relationship between the different levels of government and a willingness to pass the buck on problems in the long run in order to shore up a funding gap in the short run. Sound familiar? I imagine that it does to anybody who has ever worked in government service at any level.
Anyway what Im getting at is, more responsible people need to run for office at the local level, not just the reactionary asb president dip ***** that are running now, its all about the pretty face, rather then the good of the city, county, state, country... Im seriously considering running, simply because the planning and devolopment in this county has their heads up their *****
For those of you on the fireline whether ff or contractor please stay as far as possible from any retardant drop or bucket drop. Don't risk your life just to be part of the club and get a cool picture.
Cute poem.