So this is all armchair quarterbacking, which I don’t like, but I’ll make a couple comments
First and foremost… Why would they even go out? Did they not check fire conditions, or did they just go out anyway? I don’t get it. I wouldn’t want to take my crew out there, much less even consider going out there as two people with just hiking stuff that burns, melts and not have a shelter.
The boulder field on the left @ 1:33 in would have been a decent place to hang out. It had some space, a big escarpment on one side (I don’t know if it was the fire side, but if the fire was burning up that way it would have provided a lot of protection). It doesn’t appear like it would create a chimney effect and cook you either. But, they were well past that when they saw the fire and were probably smart not to try to back track down there, because they would have been overrun before they got there.
1:46 has less fuel load, but those draws get hot air cooking through them and even with little fuel load it can be game over.
Where they stopped was a decent spot. And they should have stayed there for a while before they started moving… I think. Moving down the dry creek bed they did was really stupid. They didn’t know where the fire was, and unlike South Canyon, it wasn’t their only option to prevent getting cooked… Again, I think.
The fire chased them down the hill, and the spot at 8:30 was the best place they had to stay. And yet they went back into the woods. I don’t get it. Things could have been hot just around that left crag and nobody would have known until they walked into it.
And lastly, I sure as hell would not have taken the time to take pictures or video. It was time to **** and get it, not mess with a camera.
Again, just first thoughts.
I’m going to edit this and say that they didn’t seem like inexperienced backcountry hikers, either. That might have saved their bacon with the ability to move around in that terrain. Not everybody is so lucky. But again, that just makes me question why they went out there even more.
I also wonder why the group managing that ground even let someone in that area. No suppression is fine, let it burn, it won’t hurt anybody. But it only won’t hurt anybody if no one is there.