Will it go to the courts like the Thirty Mile fatalities did? The fallout from the Thirty Mile lawsuits and court action got a few folks to turn down fire assignments or give it up, or shop for liability insurance. They refused to be crewbosses anymore. Some good, experienced people got out of fire fighting because of that.
Government BS. They close roads, don't allow access for firewood harvesting or logging so many places. They have mass quantities of fuel, cubic miles of the stuff, sit there and die, then you have constant forest fires. They could use all this dry dead wood in coal burning electrical plants with some modifications. They could set up via tax incentives, cost them not a penny of taxpayer money, mass biochar facilities, allowing entrepeneurs to put a lot more people back to work, and provide low cost long term great farmland subsoil fertilizer, any number of things. But nope, just let it accumulate and then catch fire, then cobjob and lowball any response because all the major taxpayer loot goes to fight wall street wars of aquisition and other sorts of obvious corporate welfare.
Freaking EPA forces manufacturers to ship two stroke tools with carbs that are guaranteed to destroy that tool without modifications that most people don't know about, yet let all these western lands burn up year after year after decade after genertation, billions of tons of smoke/particles/gasses into the atmosphere, with nothing to show for it, except for expense and forcing unnecessary danger on the guys tasked with fighting these fires!
Ya'all remember some years back they let those firefighters burn up because they wouldn't allow the tanker helos to suck water from a stream with some endangered minnow?
That's the government people are working for. I wouldn't do it, not with policies like that.
If you ain't a globalist fatcat, you ain't squat to them people. They don't care.
I am not anti government at all, but I am for sure anti stupid bloated wasteful criminal crooked corrupt riddled with junk science and crony fatcat welfare brand government.