Kyler Monares
ArboristSite Operative
Wondering how good the classes are that are put on by Golden Gate Fire support. The reason i ask is because they arent listed on the CA SFM website class list. you have taught for Golden Gate?
how much more skill does a Fal1 have over a Fal2? ive looked and i cant really find it written down what trees a Fal1 can bring down Vs a Fal2. ive been thumbing through the task book and theres a big difference in the knowledge side of things.
That's exactly right.Skill, experience & Knowledge: and on a fire the know how to bring the crappy [emoji90] stuff down or too leave it be !!!!
how much more skill does a Fal1 have over a Fal2? ive looked and i cant really find it written down what trees a Fal1 can bring down Vs a Fal2. ive been thumbing through the task book and theres a big difference in the knowledge side of things.
Awsome thanks guys! The course I'm taking is a 3 day. Is it safe to say the first day will be classroom. Second day half class room half "shop" time(going over disassembly and chain sharpening)
Third day is all cutting?