And pay them to sweat ?
Uhmm , I'll pass. I can get more done in the same amount of time and feel better afterwards. If I still feel like going for a brisk stroll at the end of the day, I should have gotten more done.
Whoops! I guess I ran that past you a little fast. When I said, " to Charlie...", that meant Charles Schwab, which in turn implies me looking for another stock broker. The TV commercials for Schwab have been using that expression for some time now to attract investors away from their current high-pressure sales, high-commission stock broker.
Paying a gym to allow me to exercise on their equipment makes little sense as long as I have firewood to cut and bring in every year. :agree2: I can apply the money saved by not going to a gym to my equipment and fuel. I sometimes think commercial gyms are only a step above social gathering places. And, as for walking on a treadmill? Well, my dog can't wait to go for long walks...
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