ArboristSite Member
eversince I started collecting firewood the flow of people stopping by to ask if it's for sale has grown with my wood pile. I live in the city and don't sell firewood so most of the time it just turns in to a conversation, but this morning I had a good one. This 85 year old man knocked on my door to ask about my firewood. I told him it's not for sale but he said your not understanding me I want to know where you cut your wood. Confused I said we'll sort of all over the place. He then said he wanted to give me his number to call him in case the place I get my wood would let him cut. But he only wanted seasoned wood. I felt kinda bad for him but I said try knocking on people's doors that have trees to cut. He then told me about the yellow wood (mulberry) that I had stacked would warp my wood burner and that hickory isn't good firewood. I said good luck and closed the door!