Firewood Prices In Your Area

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In your part of PA are there lots of truck load ads? Anyone enforce those as illegal?
Only time I've seen it enforced is if/when it's reported. No one really does the "truck load" thing anyway. Just the wastebook hacks/ idiots that don't regularly sell wood for heating.
Most people that heat with wood buy in log form, or have a particular person/ company that sells by the cord. There are a lot of companies/people that sell cord wood around this area.
Only time I've seen it enforced is if/when it's reported. No one really does the "truck load" thing anyway. Just the wastebook hacks/ idiots that don't regularly sell wood for heating.
Most people that heat with wood buy in log form, or have a particular person/ company that sells by the cord. There are a lot of companies/people that sell cord wood around this area.
a few arborists around me do.
I in chiloquin oregon it is 220 for rounds of lodgepole and about 250 for split lodgepole and that normally includes delivery and is per cord of lodgepole pine
Now I'm more confused. Is this 2 stacks 4Ft x16Ft x16 in?
Darn it all. I'll get my fingers and brain in sync sometime. A cord of firewood is 128 cubic feet no matter how you slice it. 2ft pieces stacked 4ft high and 16ft long or 4ft x 4ft x 8ft. I built my woodshed at my hunting camp to hold 2 cords of wood. Although I cut it 16in or less for the small glass front woodstove on my porch, if I fill the shed I have 2 cords give or take
My original point is that I never heard of a "face cord" as no one I knew growing up referred to firewood with that name. You had "runs" of firewood and a cord of firewood. I know that on a youtube channel of a guy in Maine, although he is only a few hours from me as the crow flies, uses "face cord". It's interesting to me at how people in different parts of the country refer to the same thing by different names.
Around here the pro's have dump trucks or trailers that hold exactly 1 or 2 cords.
Mine hold just a bit shy of a cord stacked at the water line . But stacked nicely not just thrown in . I don’t sell but when I load my basement I fill it higher than the water line

Hardwood a cord can range from 300-500 a cord .

Location: Smyrna, DE
Wood 01 | Price: Mixed Hardwood | $220 - Cord (split and delivered)

Note: It ended up being ~35 cu ft shy of a full cord. I've been having issues actually getting a full cord.

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So you were shorted ~25%. Seller offer to make good (I'd be shocked)? Or just surprised you stacked and measured? Most would say "Everyone is happy with what I deliver". In my area it's mostly truckload / trailer load with no effort to address cords in spite of state law saying only way to sell is by the cord.
Call the cops. Theft of paid services/ goods.
Actually people have to call our Department of Agriculture. Weights and measures division. IIRC sellers have to provide a receipt with amount and breakdown of species of wood. Maybe I should call one of the local TV stations and invite them out to do a firewood segment.
So you were shorted ~25%. Seller offer to make good (I'd be shocked)? Or just surprised you stacked and measured? Most would say "Everyone is happy with what I deliver". In my area it's mostly truckload / trailer load with no effort to address cords in spite of state law saying only way to sell is by the cord.

No. I don't bother as there's actually no proof unless they were to sit there and watch me physically stack and measure. You are correct in that they all say that "everyone is happy with what I deliver". I just think that they are ignorant. I measured the moisture content as well because I got unseasoned wood a couple times.

This guy had a 14' dump trailer but it wasn't stacked and it wasn't piled very high. As far as I know, there's no law in Delaware about selling wood.

I thought about selling firewood but I don't have a big enough property to process and store.
I sell it as a loose cord, 16" logs simply thrown into the back of my one ton dump body so the customer gets 165 cubic feet of wood for a cord and 85 cubic feet for a half cord. If they do take the time to stack it and prove me wrong on my amount, I always go back to give them more to their satisfaction. I went back one time for a guy that said I owed him 2 cubic feet! Thats about 15 logs! The entire truck load is usually around 650 pieces. I've only had that one complaint

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