firewood properties

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Had no idea Mulberry is an excelent firewood? I figured with all that milky sap it would be crap?
"Had no idea Mulberry is an excelent firewood"

That reminded me of an email I rec'd a few weeks ago from a friend...I copied portions of it below. Seems Mulberry, 'Chinese Che', and Osage Orange are related. I had given him a hard time about a post he'd written about 'ingesting' a Che and got an explanation. If Mulberry is related to Osage Orange (which also has milky sap and is one of the hottest burning woods)...that would explain its burning characteristics. I saw a Mublerry tree on the farm that was split in a storm last year, I'll check it out and see how it burns. Che

"Cudrania tricuspidata. aka Chinese Che or Mandarin Melon Berry - probably some other monikers, as well. Fruit(or at least the descriptions and photos I've seen) supposedly resembles a small Osage Orange, turning red when ripe. Supposedly have a flavor reminiscent of watermelon. Leaves look somewhat like Osage Orange - I'm guessing it would be a decent ornamental tree - probably has good yellow fall color. They're routinely grafted on Osage Orange understocks; from what I understand, on their own roots, they're extremely thorny and sucker like crazy.

I also attempted grafts of Che (fruit) onto mulberry, and they leafed out but then died back. Mulberry, Che, and Osage Orange are all members of the same family, but I guess Che and mulberry are not graft compatible."
Couldn't find any info on Chinese Che- Cudrania tricuspidata?

Since you are the Osage lover here thought I'd run this by you too, I was checking one out the other day and realized it reminded me alot of Mock Orange too, a large shrub that grows wild here. Got those where you are? Not in the same family but grows like a weed and the wood/branches look very similar.

Just told a customer the other day that Mulberry wouldn't be any good for firewodd, I'll have to eat my words if I get that job:eek:
I don't know anything more about the 'che' tree.....this person is trying to do some grafts and is willing to do a trade for one if he gets more to take. It'd be kinda fun to have around.

There is an ornamental (not native) shrub in my yard that's called a 'mock orange'....not much branching, simple leaf, spring time is covered with four petaled fragrant white flowers with yellow centers. I don't know if it's the same type as what you're talking about though.

I have an image from last year of a very young osage orange. Not the best image, but you may be able to see the growth habit. Like this, they're like a big ball of barbed wire. This one has multiple trunks....probably from being cut off a few times. I see them just as often with singles, but the young limbs always curl around wacky like this.
I don't know anything more about the 'che' tree.....this person is trying to do some grafts with it and is willing to do a trade for one if he gets more to take next year. It'd be kinda fun to have around.

There is an ornamental (not native) shrub in my yard that's called a 'mock orange'....not much branching, simple leaf, spring time is covered with four petaled fragrant white flowers with yellow centers. I don't know if it's the same type as what you're talking about though.

I have an image from last year of a very young osage orange. Not the best image, but you may be able to see the growth habit. Like this, they're like a big ball of barbed wire. This one has multiple trunks....probably from being cut off a few times. I see them just as often with singles, but the young limbs always curl around wacky like this.
I see you guys have never been cold at night...or at least it seems like it. Being warm is only a matter of what you have next to the fireplace and how many times you are prepared to fill it up or stoke it in the middle of the night. I myself was never much of one to wake up in the middle of the night to screw with the fire so a couple of birch logs before I went to bed used to do the trick. Now being in the US I have learned a whole other ballgame - the heat does not stay in:p -its a joke. The building standards here in the south would make a high school engineering student laugh/cry at the same time anywhere. If you like woodburning heat - you will have a nice Finnish soapstone "Nunna-uuni" at your disposal. It will take all the little crap in and soak all the heat in for as long as you fell like pulling zzz's. The only thing is you will need to do is to empty the ash - well, your going to have to wake up to do that. This is my next purchase here and "Mr/Mrs American Winter -Bring it on..LOL:rolleyes: " It should be great fun as I can enjoy the (stored) heat of the perfect stone to heat your house.
Hi There, its funny how the hotest burning woods grow in the warmest climates
Its nice to have a variety of wood to experience the different heat and colors of the flames. The hotest wood I ever burned was Black Locust, which turned the firebox cherry red, even when I starved it for air. Shagbark Hickory also burns very hot too.
The best heat comes from bone dry wood, starved for air.
Poplar (Gopher Wood) is also nice to burn for a quick, hot fire.
read through this fellas and you will be happy - I promise. There is no better way to heat with firewood inside the house than this and nothing has changed as this is concerned since I was born.

You need to store the heat - its useless to burn oak if you cant even store the heat of crap wood. This keeps the Finns warm in the middle of winter, so I am sure it can keep a Lambert warm in Canada even without the liquor.:p
My point is made!

There are two definitions for a cord and two for a rick.

The measure for a cord is easy it is by definition 4 x 4 x 8 or 128 cubic feet.

The "rick" is much more of a problem to defing. I am guessing that each area has its own definition that is generaly accepted. The problem comes in when someone from another area (with a different definition) and tries to get a "rick"
