Ya back in Oct. Wish I had gotten the Allis I had been dealing with the dealer over.
The bota is so narrow scares the crap out of me a bunch.
What I was looking for was a diesel tractor with a front loader with hrydrlic dump bucket.
Banker did not want to release the funds for a used tractor but would for a new one about $12,000 more dollars.
Every one assumes what scares me is having no ballast on the rear. Really it is the stability of it. I had a load of seasoned Ash in the bucket about 3 feet off the ground and ran over a chunk of frozen snow and was on 3 wheels till I dropped the bucket.
Rear wheel spread is a measly 55 inches in the rear.
I was able to widen it out to 63 inches recently during some nice weather but have not tested it yet.
Any way this morning your pictures came up that you had to pay a fee to 3d party post them like Photo bucket. that is why I told you about postimages and imguer.
As for ballest on the rear, normal weel weights for Massey Harris, IH, Olivers I have about 12,000 pounds worth will not fit the deep dish wheel of the bota.
They want $1,000 for a measly 500 pounds of weights that will fit the botas deep dish wheels.
Thought about getting lifting weights and adapting them. Ya right they are going for nearly a dollar a pound.
So far I have added a cast center Massey 44 about 385 pounds to use when I don't need the 3 pt.
I put 4 Massey suit case weights on the back blade, their about 65 pounds each.
One time I really wish I would have told the banker **ll no I want a real tractor.
