New break through for me tonight gentlemen!
I started heating with wood 12+ years ago to save a few bucks and also give me a hobby to do during the winter time instead of sit around all winter staring out the window watching tv.
As a kid my Dad dragged me and my brothers to the woods on a cold Saturday morning and I always groaned at first but had great days and memories from it. Aside from the poorly insulated too small rubber boots with wonder bread bags and two layers of socks it was great stuff! Lol.
After a few years of burning, and this forum Arboristsite, (you guys!), I found a local guy/family friend/ farmer that was willing to sell me a 13 acre wood lot. I’m not a rich man. But I did it. With your help too. There are posts somewhere in there.
I’ve enjoyed it immensely but only mostly by myself. My great wife ok’ed the purchase and she enjoys the heat and fruits of my labor with the heat. My kids have enjoyed the woods too for fun time and a little pitching in as well but tonight...
Tonight my 12 year old son suggested to drive my gator to the woods 4 miles away as I drive my truck behind him. He’s had yard gator training for years but I think he’s finally roadworthy! Seems like no big deal to u guys but I’ve been driving the gator solo with no truck option for years and his suggestion just tripled my take home output!
Plus my boy is in!!!
We’re runnin’ some loads tomorrow!
Quick edit:
Here’s an old pic of said boy with my early gator trying to probably figure out the dump bed to bury his younger brother. Who I’m grooming to be my next woodcutter. Lol