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A good one to go off of
A good one to go off of
Just match the jug you pulled off on the new jug on the lowers. The 75cc jug was designed for a chop saw originally and is restricted on the transfers
I used the harbor freight flex shaft with good hand pieces for years. The one that comes with the kit will get hot quick. A foredom brand can be had off eBay for $50 roughly. The motor and foot pedal is probably $50 on sale for Christmas
I had to cut the old muffler off with a cutoff tool otherwise i'd have used it.If you don't want to mess with brazing or welding, the original deflector can be pryed open on these mufflers and the hole opened with a carbide burr. The port can be opened almost 4 times the original size. If you're carfule the screen will even slide back in. Watch the clearance to the plastics. If you pry too much you end up melting the top cover or brake flag. It keeps the stock appearance but may not be quite as open as a welded port. It's a little quieter too. Just another option.
I realized i'd ordered the wrong rings before they got here. The listing said big bore and so did the p&c listing.Make sure the caber rings are 51.4mm like the oem rings. 52mm rings won’t work.