first time?
A shagbark hickory, 34" ABH, top blown apart in windstorm, just enough for a spar to hang 40' to the ground but not fall out. Neighbor asked me to get it down before it landed in the street. Loaned me his Mac250 to take the tree apart (down). No PPE, just a piece of rope to tie me to the tree. Free climbed to 70 feet, one spar still standing but too close to the road to fall in one piece. Used the broken spar to get up in the tree. Saw was way too heavy (big) for up in the tree. The tree was a mess of broken limbs hanging. It took me all day to get it down in pieces. Stringiest, bar pinching, splintered mess I ever worked. Don't let your first tree be one that was twisted by a tornado, it sucks.
I did it as a favor for the disabled neighbor. His son, a professional tree guy, gets home from work at the end of the week and asks,"So how much did you charge my dad?" Then tells me he would have only charged him $100 because it was his Dad and I should have charged him at least $300 and still called it doing him a favor as Geer's Tree Service would have charged him $800-$900. The son hired me to help him do trees at $50-$100 per day depending on the tree and what the job paid. I was the groundman and we used my new one ton truck (Dodge) to haul everything. He provided tools and PPE and taught me a lot about tree work, using ropes, PPE, saws and how to hand file a chain to keep it sharp. When to say, "No, that tree is too dangerous for me to do." Bought my first saw with the money he (son) paid me for working with him and it was power ported. One of the guys at the saw shop that liked to tinker with saws and knew I was working with the son did it.
I think the Mac 250 puts me way back on the timeline. The no PPE would not be something I would do again. Too dangerous then as now but then I didn't know any better. That was a thrill to do but had my knees knocking the whole time I was in the tree. So the first one was a freebie but got me a lot of weekend and holiday work at what was very good money back then and training from someone who knew about tree work and how to do it.