I have gotten a bunch of PMs and requests for details, pics, etc. I will try to keep up as best I can

As a quick beg, if anybody has the dealer cheat sheet that lists the first four digits of the part number with the saw that the part fits, I would be very greatful for a copy, I left mine sitting on the bench at the shop, and probably won't have time to return till next weekend. It would come in handy for all the larger pieces that the shop owner knew by heart so didn't have to label.
As soon as I get set up as a site sponsor I will start listing stuff, don't want to step on any toes. In the meantime feel free to ask about stuff, but realize I wont be selling for a few daysish.
I am planning on getting rid of 99.9% of this haul, you can assume if it's not Stihl and you see it in a pic it is for sale. If it IS Stihl, well its probably for sale.
I am hoping to avoid too severe a case of SAS (saw acquisition syndrome) as I already suffer from several other hobbies
I have stacks of chainsaw manuals and microfiche for Stihl (a metric sh*t ton), Mcculloch (1/2 ton), pioneer/partner, poulan, sears, john deer, husky
I have manuals for all of these brands for anyone interested, I would ask only for return shipping after you get them - briggs n Stratton, kohler (giant bunch o heavy binders), techumsah, wheel horse, ariens, lawn boy, miscellaneous smaller tractors, snow blowers, mowers, 2 cycle stuff etc., Yardman, yazoo. If you are a collector of some brand shoot me a Pm and I will check before shipping the whole batch off or trashing it.
There is a pretty good stack of cool early 50s and 60s full color glossy ad slicks I will probably put up on the bay, I am guessing they might sell pretty well, very nostalgia cool.
If somebody is looking for a specific part for a chainsaw I listed as having parts for , a pic would be helpful as my son and I are pretty much newbies to parts stuff and a picture is easier and quicker than looking things up in parts manuals.
By request pics to follow of: mac 790, 3-25, husky 44 parts, stihl parts for 041,045,056,075,076