Removal or prune job ?
Removal or prune job ?
We have a lot of conifers around here with bent/broken branches like that. Happened in a ice/snow storm we had 2 years ago last Christmas.
You can ignore Clueless Carbs advice. It is pretty obvious he has never worked a Hemlock. Most of the time you have to tie a rope on them, and PULL those cut branches out to get them down.
That is why I was asking. Didn't want to jump on his case if it was a removal.
When you stop giving bad advice, I will get off your case. But not one minute before then.
Is that simple enough for you ?
And so we have another AA...
Like I said, it is clear that you haven't worked Hemlock. The branches act like they are covered in velcro. Unlike Yellow pine where the branches will slide out fairly easy, Hemlocks often requires a ROPE to pull them out. Second point.... how do you know that he didn't just cut that branch and was reaching for it 2 seconds after the photo was taken? Third point.... don't you see all the 'likes' on posts where you get slammed? Clueless is as Clueless does.
Like I told you before Clueless ..... Do some reading! He was real.
I'll type this real slow so you can keep up reading it. When I said the guy was real, I was talking about AA.
Also I didn't quote Forest Gump...quote means to repeat exactly........ I paraphrased the line. I know that will go way over your head, so I won't waste time trying to explain what it means right now. Maybe when you start showing me third grade intelligence, I will try to explain it.
Ask for calling me Gump, have fun, I wish I had his kind of money and luck. ( Gump or Hanks ) Plus, even Gump sounds about 10 times smarter than you, so fire away.
Anyways, you still don't get that you are just an unwanted noise around here despite so many folks telling you and even getting banned. Even Gump would have that figured out by now!