This is what I see, ya need a proper helmet, when in a bucket, I will sometimes wear one of those, but climbing, ya gotta have a chin strap, you will be distracted ALL THE TIME, trying to keep it on, not looking up as you know it will fall off...big thing, IMO. Safety line, your not tied in properly, even with a steel core, ya need the back up, use it as a tool as well as a life saving advice. Specs, cant tell if you have them on (clear?) This is a biggie 2, one little spec in the eye and your down, if it gets embedded in the tissue, they have to dig it out and sometimes they cant find it, as it does not show on ex-rays, very painful...........believe me! Get those things taken care of and I think youll be inbidnaas! Keep us posted, have fun and BE SAFE!