I get that & that's why there such a clever durable product. A handle that's water proof, sun/weather proof, needs no oiling or sanding or maintenance is music to many hand tool users ears. I prefer wood and make handles from scratch but I put a lot of time and effort making/maintaining handles, its a relaxing zen type hobby. Most people think I'm nut's sometimes even I do. I'll often bring a vintage shovel head home from the tip and spend a few hours removing the concrete & rust off it, sharpening it, removing dents and fitting a hand made handle. I don't really need another shovel, could buy one with one hours wages yet will happily pick sawdust out of my nose and cough up a metallic rust taste after running a wire wheel over them to stop one from hitting landfill. Yeah composite handles make a lot more sense...they do, always I have a hand tool with a wobbly loose bit that needs hanging...its a constant. All I've done to my X27 or X25 is sharpen them.