So I have a 2005 Jonsered 2152(Husqvarna 353) that I picked up, has some miles on it and was blowing 125psi so I figured I would put a new ring on it pull the base gasket and muffler mod it to see what it could do. Pulled the cylinder and started cleaning it up when I noticed the squish band looks jacked. At first glance it looks like the plating is coming off but on closer inspection it also looks like there are spots with an extra layer of plating as well. So it looks like three layers. This is one of the cheaper Husqvarna produced cylinders, so I am wondering if some or all of this could have been like this when the cylinder was new. The saw seemed to run fine and I have not seen any flakes when cleaning up the cylinder and piston. There are no spots in the bore that show signs of flaking. Has anyone seen this before with these cylinders (353,359,2152,2159)?