I struggled with this machine for quite awhile, and eventually got enough carb cleaner, grease, and wd 40 into it. It would work. not real precise, but would sharpen a chain
Kept surfing the web, various bearings, shafts, etc. Images... and just happened to chance upon

Shorten the drive end a little (hard steel, band saw would not do it) and using some flat washers on the threaded end, I have it in the machine.
It is NICE, and smooth, and without the slop... way, way more accurate.
In fact I am betting that Foley used these to make the origional machine. Just turn the shoulder down a little and fit the flange on there...
Which is what I am going to have done to another one... (only $40) and make it more accurate than what I have with my fender washers!
Kept surfing the web, various bearings, shafts, etc. Images... and just happened to chance upon
Now, that was interesting... It is very, very close. So I ordered one... what the heck?
Shorten the drive end a little (hard steel, band saw would not do it) and using some flat washers on the threaded end, I have it in the machine.
It is NICE, and smooth, and without the slop... way, way more accurate.
In fact I am betting that Foley used these to make the origional machine. Just turn the shoulder down a little and fit the flange on there...
Which is what I am going to have done to another one... (only $40) and make it more accurate than what I have with my fender washers!