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Small Job Specialist
Jun 16, 2006
Reaction score
picked this up on another thread just tryin to spread some common sense.

In this job you might get away with that 100's perhaps 1000's of times but one day if it goes wrong you are stuffed. It's a shame this job isn't more regulated, if there were a licencing system and skills had to be learned plus displayed then we'd have not only safer workers but more profit as short cuts are out and the extra will have to be charged for the time to do it the right way.

Solid Quote...Be Safe Yall...
"Any time someone says, 'there ought to be a law,' there oughtn't." -Penn Jillette

I am wholeheartedly opposed to any further government intervention in our affairs. If someone wants to make the bad choice to hire someone on the cheap, even knowing they have no insurance, it's their right to do so. It's not the government's place to say who should be hired and who shouldn't. I can think of better ways to make a profit than supporting "nanny state" legislation. If you can't make a decent buck and think you need the government to help you do that, maybe you're in the wrong business.
"Any time someone says, 'there ought to be a law,' there oughtn't." -Penn Jillette

I am wholeheartedly opposed to any further government intervention in our affairs. If someone wants to make the bad choice to hire someone on the cheap, even knowing they have no insurance, it's their right to do so. It's not the government's place to say who should be hired and who shouldn't. I can think of better ways to make a profit than supporting "nanny state" legislation. If you can't make a decent buck and think you need the government to help you do that, maybe you're in the wrong business.

Here here! :cheers:
In the U.K. you need a license to buy a top handled chainsaw, enough said about regulation.
this is indeed true... and I whole heartedly agree with it! a top handled chainsaw by design can be utilised in one hand, therefore for an amateur to go swinging it around is ludicrously dangerous, especially if they do not appreciate the dangers of kickback etc.

you don't need a licence for any other saw in a domestic sense, however, for some of the larger saws, the dealer may require proof of qualification before sale. you also need qualifications before most insurance companies will insure your sawing on other people's property for reward. the course and assessment proves you are competant and safe.

i dont agree with a lot of our rules and regs, but I do believe these regs make a lot of sense
On one hand people gripe that any TD&H can get a saw and do so called tree work, on the other people complain that the guv'mint wants to regulate the industry.

I would be for it if it had teeth and kept hacks from doing the work. Why else can plumbers charge near $100 for a man and a truck?
The way I see it:

If someone wants to buy a saw they don't understand and kill themselves with it, so be it. Their dumb choice, which they should be free to make.

If someone wants to hire an unlicensed company with no credentials and have their property ripped apart, so be it. Ditto above.

I would be for it if it had teeth and kept hacks from doing the work. Why else can plumbers charge near $100 for a man and a truck?

No offense, but I don't need or want the government to help me beat the competition. I can do it all by myself, fair and square. Maybe, in a less legislated society, a plumber could make a good buck for $50 and hour.
No offense, but I don't need or want the government to help me beat the competition. I can do it all by myself, fair and square. Maybe, in a less legislated society, a plumber could make a good buck for $50 and hour.

The big reason for buidling codes and professional licensing is not just to protect the person who is buying, but the person who may buy form them or thier estate 20 years on down the road. Also the rescue personel who may need to go into the buliding.

How many times have you told people that tree is stressed from poor work decades ago?