For Those Who Race!!!

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A.K.A Rotten Tree Limbs
. AS Supporting Member.
Apr 3, 2002
Reaction score
Amoungst My Saws........Fool That Has Too Many!!!
Something that I have been trying to figure out is why do some of you chainsaw racers set your saw up that the saw must be pushed on?

Having the saw self-feed seems the way to me. No matter how hard you push the cutter will only take off as much wood as the raker will allow.

I do realize that pushing at the end out the cut will help the wood to break before the cut is finished thereby cutting down your time.
Ok moving right along, I don't think there's a need to push if the riders are set up right. From the chians I have seen and been shown to file your never going to get that feeling of the file off the internet.
Rich , the answer would depend on what number of cuts you are doing , 1 cut like out west, from what i have been told they like to push , but back here doing 3 cuts you donot want to push as hard cause if you are pushing hard and you have to set for your next cut you will be to long setting for the next cut cause your bar will be out of the wood for to long , it is hard to keep your bar close to the wood to do a fast switch for the next cookie.

everybody has different ideas on how much racker and gears to cut fast , some like a smaller gear , .030 rackers and push , some like .020 rackers and bigger gear, myself it would depend on the wood but i like big gears and deep rackers as well and just let the saw cut , not much pushing
The other issue that is kinda mentioned is load. There is a load that must be carried buy the saw so that it does not over rev and go Boom! My main race saw (3120- Marcel) jumps bucks and snorts. And if you don't think so just ask the guys who watched me attempt (and I mean attempt) to run that saw. First saw I ever started that jumped up off the ground and started climing. My back hand caught it at about chest height and made two cuts in a 6" pecker pole. Turned around pants full of crap and eyes like full moons. 18 shows later I placed at 11 of them with a top 5 finish.
But when you get a saw to run in its sweat spot and everything goes right it just feels good.

Another example:
This past weekend was my last show for this year. The guys with the Rotax's wanted to run in 12x12 white pine. They atleast they asked if my bar would make it. I knew the problem I would have is that my Backup chain I was running was not aggresive enough for the bigger wood. So when I ran I pushed and pulled as hard as I could. I ended up 2nd (5.24). And yes 2 Rotax's, 250 bikesaw, 750 Homelight, 084 Lavek and other assorted saws.

So in short it all depends on the saw and how the operator needs it setup.....

That should answer it......

Chris, did all your appendages make it through the season intact, and how's Gretchen and the little one doing?

everyone knows that if someone can run a bikesaw , the chainsaw is history, even in 10 by 10 doesnot matter what kind of wood , someone like Gaston is going to make you look bad, it is just power,
But with every cut it sailed through the wood faster. And that was even commented on. But I appreaciate the holding of the saw in the air as long as you did for those corners. Because I guestimated you were in the high .8's to low .9's for the last cut. I figured I was around 1.3 for each cut. Either way I was glad it was softer wood. If it would of been real firm I would of been in more trouble. Just not enough ponies under the cover.

during that cut u described,,chris,,id have
like to have been standing outa sight
somewhere.. ..:D if u had it on video,,it win for sure on funniest home video shows,an such.
Thanks for the welcome, this is my first attempt at any sort of message or chat room, so I hope I follow all the rules. Yes, we are almost neighbors- Where in New Haven are ya
You are right about the bike saws theoretically being faster in any size wood. However there are only a few guys I know that can do it, Gaston being one of them- the dude is a freak of nature with that saw, Unbeleivably quick.
Originally posted by Chopwood
............ Where in New Haven are ya

Darrow Rd.

BTW, the rules don`t normally cause anyone a problem, most things get squared away just fine.


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