I am looking for recomendations for a helmet. Should I just go w/ Stihls Forestry Helmet System?
I think I see 2 different units, orange and black ear-muffs.
Are there others you perfer? I am really in the dark about these things.
I just bought a Bearcat PTO Chipper and I have a 009 Stihl and thinking about
getting a MS361 I think ti was. I do not handle wood everyday but when
i do I mix it up I want good protection.
I am looking for recomendations for a helmet. Should I just go w/ Stihls Forestry Helmet System?
I think I see 2 different units, orange and black ear-muffs.
Are there others you perfer? I am really in the dark about these things.
I just bought a Bearcat PTO Chipper and I have a 009 Stihl and thinking about
getting a MS361 I think ti was. I do not handle wood everyday but when
i do I mix it up I want good protection.