Its what i climb on with Ddrt. You attach your harness to the biner hanging from the pulley. I really like it. Goes really well with a foot ascender for longer climbs. For descending i simply attach a biner to my right side dee with a figure 8 and attach rope to the figure 8. Then i slowly release the hitch and descend on the 8. It all attaches easily midline and nothing has to be removed, you can leave your climb system intact. Plus the pulley has 3 attachment holes. I can attach my long rope lanyard to the middle hole (where the other leg of rope is attached) and then branch walk with control and confidence!
You don't need to use a spliced eye rope but it does make it easier. I was using a scaffold knot to terminate my rope and it was right next to and interfering with the hitch engaging and releasing. Got a petzl express sling to move the knot away from the friction hitch and problem solved! I use a distel hitch or a VT depending on climb line and hitch cord type.
TreeStuff has all the bits you need. DMM hitch climber pulley. 2x DMM oval biners (or similar ovals) eye2eye hitch cord 30" approx(ocean poly as pictured or similar)
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