diagram one
This diagram shows a section view of the rope on the surface of the log crossing a groove. The curved dashed line at the top represents the contours of the rope on the ungrooved original surface. The meaning of the various labels is as follows:
C is the center of the log. Moving clockwise around the log, starting at far left, we have:
X is any arbitrary point on the ungrooved log surface.
A represents the last point on the original surface before the groove begins. Beyond A the wood smoothly drops away towards the bottom of the groove.
B represents the last point of wood-rope contact before the rope begins crossing empty groove space.
Line RC divides the groove, and the rope span, in half.
P is the mirror of B. It is the first point where the rope regains contact with the wood after crossing the groove.
When a tensioned rope is draped over the log, grooved or not, the wood obviously is supporting the full load. In my experiment, the load was 20 lbs on one leg and my pull (about 40 lbs) on the other. It seemed pretty obvious that this 60-lb load had to be supported by the lands between the grooves once the grooves had been cut. This would mean that an arbitrary point like X, situated in one of the lands, would now be under more pressure than before. Not only would this extra pressure, distributed over all the remaining surface, be enough to support the 60 lbs, but the extra pressure would mean extra friction, thus supplying the friction previously supplied by the missing groove wood. This seemed pretty obvious. But it is completely wrong!!
Imagine we have a researcher ant who will inspect the rope for us with 2 instruments. The ant can measure the rope tension at any point and the rope curvature at any point. Assume there is a 40-lb load on the left leg, 20 lbs on the right, and the rope is slowly moving downward on the left. We send the ant crawling up the left leg. Her instructions are to record frequent readings as she hikes the rope.
In the ungrooved case, the ant's bendometer shows a perfectly steady reading all the way across the top of the log. The tensionometer shows a maximum at the beginning, but declines in a steady fashion from the initial 40 lbs to 20 lbs when she reaches the free-hanging right leg.
Now we move the rope to the grooved section, and send the ant up again. Contrary to expectations, when she reaches point X, the bend reading and the tension reading are exactly the same as in the ungrooved case! Things start to change at A, though. The bend reading jumps by a factor of about 6! Moreover, the tension starts plummeting. After a few more steps, the ant reaches point B. Her bendometer suddenly drops to zero, and the tension becomes constant. Both stay perfectly steady all the way across the groove until she reaches P. There the tensionometer resumes dropping very rapidly and the bendometer jumps again to a high value. A few more steps and she reaches the undisturbed section of log, whereupon the tension resumes dropping at a steady, much slower rate, and the bendometer reading becomes perfectly steady.
When the ant analyses the data later, she realizes that all the missing friction and missing support previously supplied by the missing groove wood are now supplied by the
edges of the groove! The little section between A and B now does all the work previously done by the surface from A to R.
But it gets better. See next post...