Yeah, I was about to say that when yer dry rope freezes THAT would be a good indicator on whether it was to cold to work or not but I ain't never seen that happen. I was thinking that maybe it just doesn't get cold enough around here to freeze a dry rope. I was also thinking that maybe since the guy is around a few lakes that moisture was being broadcast in the air and collecting on his rope. Then the word moisture got me thinking how many women don't use that word very often - moist- they don't. I have actually had some women tell me they can't stand the word, hate it, think its vulgar. Moist. Moist? Yeah I guess I kinda understand but its a little bit of a stretch when you are talking about paper towels. So after I thought about that i started thinking of all the wack job women I have ever met and am happy my wife doesn't give a dam if I say ' moist' or not.