funny start to the season

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Feb 7, 2004
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Suffolk Uk
To all you tree service owners and freelance climbers hows your start to the season been...???????????

our season overhere has just started proper..and should go through to the 2nd week of november...but boy this has been a quiet start..usualy during and after the easter break the phone goes crazy..not so this year ..ive spoken to a few other established guys and they are saying the same thing..admitedly there are a few more new firms that have started up .. but im wondering if the economy is realy as good as they would have us beleive

i tried a price increase this year but i think sadly i,ll have to go back to the old rates..i will see how that one goes

curiously weve had a lot less enquires from the commercial sector this year...any way i was just wondering how you guys where doing

p.s the begining of the year started off well
yep same up im afraid rolla , its been weird no tree work for two weeks them all of a sudden 6 jobs then tons of landscaping work !easter is usally the kick of point up in sunny manchester:rolleyes: i think its got alot to do with the waether though as easter up heree wasnt particulary dry so many of the paying masses wernt out bimbling and pottering in their gardens
The season's started?

It's 82 degrees right now and I just came in from laying out in the sun.

2 of my clients are still on vacation with the family (highschool kids, only time to do it they say:rolleyes: ) one other worked 4 days last week, most small bucket jobs.

I got one day with him doing an apartment comples that he scheduled 2 days on. I screwed myself and we did it in 8 hours. I got a small bonus and a big thankyou though.

Yesterday i spent the morning doing shubs for one of my smaller clients, and a little "raise for sun and clearance" nibbling.
Takedowns and trims

Mostly TD's. After a slow start, things are finally starting to get busy. Finally! I got things to buy!;)
Spring start

Same here, only to me every spring is slow regardless of economic patterns. I always used to wonder why the phone never rang much in early spring, never made sense to me, good time to due tree work, cool weather, trees are dormant.

The same pattern occurs every year, 2/3 rds of our gross income comes between May and November, with July being the high point of the season. Why is this, think about it from a non tree person's point of view. When trees are dormant, the average person just doesn't see a need to do any thing. But when the actual growing season starts many things are happening, buds break, tips elongate, start to toss in insect pests, wilt diseases, deadwood and dying limbs can be seen, plus add some wind storms, Bingo your busy and making money. Ever notice that an increase in tree work, goes along with the grass cutting season. People are out and about looking at their trees. The guys down south like Rocky and MB sound like they are busy, but their ahead of the northern guys by 6 to 8 wks.

Jumping prices in early spring doesn't work to good, every one is lean and hungry after a slow winter, work isn't that plentiful, lot of small, nusience type work. Price inceases are better mid year, every one has plenty of work and our service is more in demand, and there isn't enough good arborists to go around. The pool people jack their prices in summer, especially a hot, humid summer, I don't see why we can't, when the pickings are ripe for harvesting.

Ya, ... here a day in the small stuff. Had to use orchard ladders. Yuk, I hate ladders, and that was what was needed.

Have had a fair start up, with trees and climbing and being a sub now I'm hearing wait on the pay our invoices are not revolving yet.

To do the work when it is there and not get paid in a timely fashion sucks, ... sucks big time.

Oh well,
im begining to think ..well maybe not think but know..we self employed guys have only 8 months to make our money maybe even less
My phone has been ringing like crazy this week. I've sold some good ones. The last 2 and the next 2 weeks are turing out nicely. I've been on full time tree mode for the last month now, and it is still picking up steam I'm booking work 2 weeks out right now, I hope I can keep it about right there and not get too burried.
I found a new place to take my tree debris now, much closer to the yard, and $10 cheaper than the 20minute away place I've been dumping at. Happiness is an empty dump bed.
Down here in the land of oz things are starting to slow down, not as many quotes happening now but im still booked three weeks ahead thankfully:D
Heck, I've been out straight for the last two months.

Can't find decent help, and the work is still pouring in.


:eek: :D :cool: :)

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