side dressed the space, covered it and planted. hilled in and over. added needles as rain was dune next day. they seem to be doing well. this couple days later ~
1015 onions arrived other day. over 100 sets. no sense in letting them sit. so in they went. still need to prep up for the 'other 50 or so' but Kentucky's still producing...
We did harvest some horseradish yesterday. Ground was froze a couple inches deep but I had to have my winter supply of the stuff! LOL!!! Looks like some artichokes out there too, we dont use them but grow a few reds and whites just for the heck of it.
garden going bonkers! stuff poppin' n hoppin' all over the place. i have noteworthy tomatoes, to say the least... the plants would easily make a nice apple orchard... and more setting!!