Hola amigo!
The steel superwraps are supposed to be used only for the Buckingham climbers. I own a pair of Bashlin Aluminums w/the steel support superwraps....they're a tad uncomfy. They tend to dig into your shin at the top of the steel support. They also rub a bit here and there. Also have a pair of Buckingham Steel climbers w/regular superwraps that are super comfy...but the velcro is so old it tends to "creep" a bit. (Bear in mind they've paid their due and been handed down to me...) Personally, I'm saving to buy a new pair of NON STEEL superwraps for my Bashlins. Best of both worlds! So, based on my experience and knowledge of the situation, I strongly suggest going with the Superwraps WITHOUT the steel shin cup. Also interested in those Buc-pads or something similar, but I've never used them.