General Hole Digger

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Gypo Logger

Timber Baron
Dec 8, 2001
Reaction score
Yukon Territory
Has anyone seen one of these before, and if so, can I make lots of denero off of them, I have three?
So don't try to chince me out. It's ice fishing time.
Gypo....... you may want to send that out and have it gently massaged by one of our reputable saw builders here at the AS.........The site where we all expereince happiness and joy........AH.........think I will go pick flowers to the fourlane median..........CB
I make lots of denero off of them?


You need to hire some Mexican workers and send them out on the ice at local Winter Festivals. They can seek out the "Woodticks" of Ice Fishing and drill holes in the 24-36 inches of ice for them. Charge $2 a hole or 3 holes for $5. Then they could scrape up the ice shavings from the holes, load them into a refrigerated semi trailer, haul them to a refrigerated warehouse and store the shavings until summer. Then you can sell the ice shaving to local carnivals for snow cones.

You could call it: Gypo Holing and Carnival Ice!

Hello Ballon not!
Thanks for your interest in the hole diggers, I'll PM you.
This has got to be Doug posing as Tommy Fales.
Don't make me contact Darin!
it's not "ballon not", it's balloon knot: aka the sphincter aka the rectum...hence the hole digger reference
Hi Bob, that one went right over my head. TFFLOL.
Since Dan hasn't been feeling too proud about the 999 (and I can't blame him), he has bent over backwards to make amends. Dan says it's all due to an intake problem, so he sent me a carb to smarten it up.
Thanks Dan, this baby looks like it's gonna get up and talk.
Gypo that one is toooo funny.....................I busted out laughing so loud that my wife was like what in the world Wade is soooooo funny I said you just have to be in the know you know.............that should make it run right smart.......right smart indeed...............CB
Hey Lamebert quit all your bragging about all your new toys and junk. Hell I post what I have worked hard for and people want to see me fail. You post what you stole and your a hero go figure. Here's a shot of dropping the hammer this little guy ate about 10 of my prized chickens.

Since I learned to trap from none other than Craig O'gorman from Brodous MT I earned a few things. Grabbed this guy in short order.
I found these so they were free. For once I got a deal. I like to stuff these with a nice veal force meat drizzled with a wonderful mustard port sauce.
Here's John's Grandpappy. Nice family Bragger. I feel so low now that you have out done me with that love bug.
Marky, Murels are good mushrooms they are the only mushrooms I will eat.............. nice catch on the it... salt it and send it too your close friend DD so he can make gaskets out of it........ that fur should make for furtight fit..............have you ever heard the old saying hotter than a half-***** fox in a forest fire LOL...........CB
YO Trash Banger that happens to be a coyote we call them coydogs around these parts. I have it skinned, fleshed and maybe make a mad bomber hat for John. I will need to make extra large for that big baby bragger. Now I need to go get a new truck on Friday to top him.
Originally posted by Marky Mark
Hey Lamebert quit all your bragging about all your new toys and junk. Hell I post what I have worked hard for and people want to see me fail. You post what you stole and your a hero go figure.
Hey Marky. Your post reminded me of this passage. What do you think? <p>"HE who ascends to mountain-tops shall find
The loftiest peaks most wrapt in clouds and snow;
He who surpasses or subdues mankind,
Must look down on the hate of those below.
Though high above the sun of glory glow,
And far beneath the earth and ocean spread,
Round him are icy rocks, and loudly blow
Contending tempests on his naked head.
And thus rewards the toils which to those summits led."--Lord Byron
Yo Morky Mack.......Gulldang that's a coyote...................gosh looks no bigger than a fox to me in the picture..........we have coyotes like crazy down here in Ky biguns too............make two of that there thingie you got pinched down..........oughta make a right smart cap on the gypsters head..........CB

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