Tree Machine
Addicted to ArboristSite
Treemachine, get your lips off Beranek's ass, you're starting to embarrass yourself.

And I would go as far as to say, in Beranek's journey, it was clear to him that documenting this work and the people who do it, so Jerry has to become a professional photographer, way in the day before cameras were easy, like today. Back then, to get great photographs you needed upscale equipment and you needed to know about F-stop and apurature settings. Telephoto lenses this gear costs MONEY and Jerry took on the cost and has brought it to us in a variety of organized media.
Jerry was always on the forefront of video technology and took the time and effort to video-document the best of the best for several decades. Video has not always been as easy as it is today.
His DVD's show that depth. Living there his whole life, your senses are keen as to how to best present arborist / logging work to guys like us.
I'm not butt-kissin. I'm more recognizing that given all the effort he's put into producing this material, I felt good supporting it, like buying art and education all in one. Just the landscape out there in northern California, it just overly impresses a midwestern boy like myself.
I watch that cat climb and I get to thinking he could very well be the #3 world's best climber, right behind Beowulf, and then me.
(Uhhh, LOL?)