german 044

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I have an 044 with the same style air filter housing. It has a fleece filter, that I believe is available as a "cold weather" option. The housing and the air filter mounting plate are different than the same parts on my other 044 with the HD filter.

Only sold 2. Winter has backed off around here, only seem to have problems when the snow gets high on the trunk. The later saws seem to get heat to the carb better.
Just along this line... Have you ever sold or seen an 032 with heated handles? I know it's an option but I've never seen one.
the canuck friends over the border apparently have many more models available as "arctic" or "G' versions than we do here over in the US. I just remember Lambert babbling about it being nice to get his hands warm again after his 90 second tickle with his file in the winter:p he has many of the forementioned models.
most any of the pro saws...(2171/2165/2186/2095)372/385/395...460/066 etc...are all available with heated handles and carbs here(Gods country)....comes in handy now and then...I remember it being -50 degrees....and standing around the fire to thaw the saw...and finally the boss decided that maybe, just maybe, it was too cold......he broke the boom off the loader.....5" of steel cylinder...just broke...much much too cold...
Dennis, it don't even get that cold where I live, but at -35 (F) things stop moving around here. It's just too dang hard on equipment, and you spend the first hour of the day getting your stuff going, unless you let it idle round the clock.

I have never had a chain saw with heated handles, but I have a hard time believing that would be enough to make it comfortable to work in the woods at -40, with a howling northwest wind, when your truck wouldn't start, and your wife won't even get out of bed, and you'd like to be back there yourself:blob2:

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