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i havnt climbed for long - and having only done a few prunnig jobs that dont require lugging my butt top of a tree on the edge of a golf corse - what sort of diameter can you use as you top anchour point?? - i know this greatly depends on the type of tree + how tapped you are.
Tom, The common rule of thumb is wrist sized. That is kind of self regulating-bigger guys usually have bigger wrists (but it varies). On species with stong wood and tough branch unions you can go smaller. On something like Cottonwood I use nothing smaller than 4 inches in diameter with a strong preference for 5"or greater.
so the rule of fist then ... nice one - but what about acctual body weight - some blokes who are smaller than me weigh a lot more - i'm 6"3 and weigh 13st+ when my mate is about 5"10 and weighs nearly 15st.
also depends on the angle of the limb you are tying into and the angle of inclusion of the lateral limb. for instance, if the stem is pretty much vertical, otherwise solid healthy growth, and pointing a little in the opposite direction of where you plan to work, you can get away with a greater range of motion/putting wore weight on that point than if it were leaning toward your work area. you just gotta know what that particular specie will w/stand. your level of personal experience will tell you "yes" or "no". if you there is a question in your mind use a 2nd point. run two lines. fasten to another part of the tree in case you think something could go wrong.