This post is quite old, but I have a couple ideas that could possibly benefit someone looking for help with the rain/sleet/snow. I picked up an old Bemidji wool flannel in a thrift store, which I think some people would label as a 'shirt jac' or something like that. And, since I was in the Boy Scouts back in the day I remembered that the old timers would wear an all red wool kinda jacket, so I got one of those in a couple of sizes bigger than I needed for layering. Anyways, I went hunting in the Upper Peninsula here in Michigan and no lie, it rained every day non stop for a week. Well, sometimes the rain turned into a sleet/wet snow deal. I am talking about October of 2018 in Baraga county if anyone is from there, they will testify. It wasn't the first or last time that part of the world gets a week straight of rain and/or snow. I wore that Boy Scout wool every day and it shed the water like a duck, it never even got heavy. I was grouse hunting too, going through thick stuff on purpose and it didn't even get close to tearing. Everything else I was drying in the sauna but the wool coat. The moral of the story is that very fine neatly woven wool does an excellent job being durable and shedding water. The Bemidji wool is a looser weave, and so it is even more breathable, but it is close enough to waterproof too, I am pretty sure it was made in the 80s or 70s based on the logo. I haven't figured out a good solution for pants yet if its wet snow, I just try to wear the best fleece long johns I can find so that I don't shake too much to make good cuts.