I used a buttstrap for a few months before getting my traverse. My hips would be in a world of hurt after a few hours in the tree. Hmmm....I sure do like the looks of the Butterfly.
My father got to see me climb a few months ago while at a family get together. I overheard him say “things sure have changed.” I counted 6 tree climbers at my mother’s house that day.
After climbing in the Master II I will never go back to a butt strap saddle. It took me about a week to get accustomed to it but since then I have seen an improvement in the way I climb. If the Master II is that good the Butterfly must be great to climb in.
Yo Kevinz....
Call Charly Pottorff, here in Manhattan, KS. He doesn't have a website, yet. If you email me and wanna get one I'll email you his phone #! (i would post it, but I don't think that I would like people posting my #, dig?)
It'll cost close to $250. But he can get you anything else you want too! He also has the new Austrian saddle.