As an add on, it is just a job, and just your first step in what I hope is a good productive and enjoyable long career in this field. Keep your head down, eyes and ears open, and mouth shut. Tree guys are a rough bunch, and it sounds like these guys are old school, which is fine. Just learn and move on. I promise you thay will teach you a lot, and they have been doing fine, at least in their own minds, with the way they have been doing it all these years. Based on what you have described, they probably have never heard of a Petzl ZIGZAG, let alone that it was recalled, just as an example. For every fine member of AS dedicated to mastering their trade there are a thousand guys out there that work trees eveyday and somehow muddle through, lol.
The point I'm trying to make is this is a chance for you to get out there and experience production tree work in the real world. Some of it aint purty. Just keep your head down and knock em out with attitude and work ethic, and the cream will rise to the top, just like it always does. The only thing not to liisten to is the inevitable groundie that pulls you to the side and says "hey dude, slow down, you're makin me look bad."
The best climbers are also the best groundies, and best brush draggers, and best chipper feeders, and best rakers, because they have BTDT, and because they know it's a team sport. I know you've been climbing a while, but I promise you when you get to see a good crew in action you'll see just how important every position is to get er dun. Jeff